The Classifier

Friday, April 25th, 2008 @ 3:44 pm | Uncategorized

Login to the classifier

If you wish to take part in the classification process you will need to have permission and the ability to redirect your email domain to the classifier’s MX servers. You will also need your own account in the classifier. To get an account you should email Matthew Sullivan

When you have an active account you can add email addresses to the classifier that you will use for classification. Any email sent to the particular email address(es) will be stored in the web interface and in the HOLD queue of the mail server. You will be able to see the messages in the web interface where you will be able to classify them as either spam or not spam (ham). As soon as you classify the messages the system will release the mail server stored message which will result in final delivery to your server, and your normal email client.

The preference system in the classifier works at various different levels depending on your access rights. The most basic right ‘user’ will only allow you to classify mail and update your details. The ‘Domain Admin’ role will allow you to update the email addresses in use, and allow you to assign email addresses to others.

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